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Главная » 2014 » Март » 2 » Madcrosoft PC TuneUp Tools 2013 8.0.044
Madcrosoft PC TuneUp Tools 2013 8.0.044
Madcrosoft PC TuneUp Instruments 2013 8.0.044
PC TuneUp Tools 2012 - безукоризненное волеизъявление трудности оптимизации Вашего миникомпьютера. Это массивное оружие по настройке Вашей системы более недурным методом, чистке Вашего реестра и диска, также оптимизации производительности.

PC TuneUp Instruments offers advanced PC Tuning package that is simple to use. If your calculator is running slowly, PC TuneUp Instruments can convey it back to speed in merely a matter of mins. Merely establish, rake and fix. Not only does PC TuneUp Instruments repair erroneousnesses on your PC, it withdraws junk files that merely take up space and slow down your calculator. Get back that hard drive space needed to make your PC run swimmingly.

PC TuneUp Instruments Lineaments

Registry Cleaner
The ultimate Register Cleanser withdraws unwanted shards left past uninstalled and package merchandises within your organization&%23039;s Registry.

Privacy Cleaner
Secrecy Cleaner can withdraw all your shopping chronicle with the click of one button.

Reconstruct Gunpoint Cleanser
Reconstruct Gunpoint Cleanser This operation its ego could free upwardly between 500mb to 5 GB of strong saucer distance.

Windowpanes Bring Cleanser
Merely like the TEMP directory on your organization, the Prefetch booklet can fill up with lots of idle submissions and take up needed space.

Hard Drive Cleaner
Severely Tug Cleanser The removal of unwanted files and booklets fouling upwardly your Windowpanes OS.

File Encrypter
File Encode Precaution significant documents along your PC. Word protects whatsoever file with an unbreakable encryption algorithm.

File Shredder
Charge Shredder platform can obviate personal and secret files that you need to be withdrawed from your personal PC

Startup Manager
Make Windowpanes bang debauched past caring what cargoes when you shift along your PC
Год выхода: 2012
Версия: 8.0.044
Платформа: Windows® XP/Vista/7
Язык Интерфейса: English
Пилюля: Serial
Размер: 4.23 Mb

Madcrosoft PC TuneUp Tools 2013 8.0.044

Madcrosoft PC TuneUp Tools 2013 8.0.044

Madcrosoft PC TuneUp Tools 2013 8.0.044

Madcrosoft PC TuneUp Tools 2013 8.0.044

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